Mental Traveler: A Father, A Son, And A Journey Through Schizophrenia
How does a parent make sense of a child’s severe mental illness? How does a father meet the daily challenges of caring for his gifted but delusional son, while seeking to overcome the stigma of madness and the limits of psychiatry? W. J. T. Mitchell’s memoir tells the story—at once read more Preface: 1. “I Need to Become Homeless” 2 ...
Mental Traveler Reading, Seminary Coop Nov 18 2020
Mental Traveler Reading, Seminary Coop Nov 18 2020, Lauren Berlant, moderator ...
Let’s Talk About It, Interview with Vineesha Arora Sarin
LET’S TALK ABOUT IT - EPISODE 4 - Vineesha with Carmen E. Mitchell & W.J.T. Mitchell ...
Mental Traveler chapter nine, excerpted
THE FOLLOWING IS an excerpt from W. J. T. Mitchell’s Mental Traveler: A Father, a Son, and a Journey Through Schizophrenia, a memoir about Mitchell’s son Gabriel, who struggled with schizophrenia for 20 years until his suicide at age 38. The excerpt makes reference to Carmen, Gabriel’s sister, a filmmaker based in Los Angeles, who is currently at work on ...
“The Caregivers Dilemma,” interview with Benjamin Kafka
W. J. T. MITCHELL is one of the most influential academics of the last three or four decades. As a theorist, he helped transform how we understand the power of images to shape our selves and our worlds. As editor of the journal Critical Inquiry, he oversaw the emergence of many of the great interdisciplinary movements that revolutionized the humanities ...
W.J.T. Mitchell, in conversation with Bill Ayers, discusses Mental Traveler: A Father, a Son, and a Journey Through Schizophrenia
How does a parent make sense of a child's severe mental illness? How does a father meet the daily challenges of caring for his gifted but delusional son, while seeking to overcome the stigma of madness and the limits of psychiatry? W. J. T. Mitchell's memoir tells the story--at once representative and unique--of one family's encounter with mental illness and ...